Sunday, September 30, 2018

Happy October!

Hello Wonderful Kindergarten Families,

Happy (almost) October! We have SO many exciting events/activities ahead of us this month. 

Here are some reminders & information about this week for you:

-Tomorrow we will be continuing on our ABC Bootcamp Adventure with Letter E. Please have your child bring in an item (or picture) that begins with the /e/ sound. 

-Our Reading Folder Assignments are due tomorrow, September READO Boards and Reading Logs. Please also send in Popcorn Word Booklets inside their reading folders so we can add our new words. Children will be able to receive a special prize if they completed the reading for the month. Our October READO Boards and Reading Log will also go home tomorrow. 

-Starting tomorrow the whole school will be praying a decade of the rosary during our morning prayers in the gym. Our 8th grade buddies will stand with us and assist us in following along on our rosaries. I have a class set of rosaries for Kdg to use, so you do not need to send in your own set. :) 

-There is no school this Friday October 5th or Monday October 8th. 

-Chaperone Letters will be going home tomorrow to all parents who signed up to volunteer to chaperone our field trip on Wednesday October 10th (rain date of the 17th). Please look for this paper tomorrow and send back the chaperone fee by this Thursday. Thank you in advance!

-Please send back any unsold Calendar Raffle Tickets. 

I will be posting a full review of our weekly themes/concepts & our month ahead tomorrow afternoon. 

Thank you very much for your time, have a lovely evening.

Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Quick Reminder :)

Good Afternoon Awesome Kindergarten Families,

A few reminders for you:

1) Some paperwork went home in some students' backpacks that must be completed and returned to school ASAP, they include emergency forms from the school nurse and permission slips for our trip. 

2) Stewardship forms went home this week and they are due back this Friday. Please consider volunteering at any of the wonderful events. :)

3) Tailgate & Chili forms are due back tomorrow if you are interested in coming. 

4) October Pizza Money is due Friday. 

5) Please return any unsold calendar raffle tickets.

6) No school Friday Oct. 5th and Monday Oct. 8th. 

Thank you & have a wonderful evening! 
Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi

Monday, September 24, 2018

Week of September 24th

Good Evening & Happy Fall!

We had a fantastic start to our third week of school, I can’t believe it is the last week of September already!

I am very excited to announce that starting tomorrow our class will be doing the ABC Bootcamp Program. A detailed letter went home in folders today that explains how we will work on one letter/sound each day for the next 26 days.

When we reach the conclusion of the 26 days we will have a special Fashion Show to celebrate our students’ mastery of all the letters and their sounds. This highly effective program is backed with research that shows how students who learn all 26 letters/sounds in the beginning of the year have more success expanding their reading & writing skills.

To help make the real-world connection, we are asking students to bring in one small object each day that begins with the letter of the day.

There is a calendar in your child’s folder that details each letter of the day and a list of some ideas to help think of objects to bring. Students may also print/draw a picture of an object that starts with the letter of the day as well if they cannot find anything at home with that letter. This is meant to be a fun and easy way for students to connect what we are learning to their home life as well.  :)

Here are our themes & concepts of the week:
1) Reading/Language Arts/Phonics:
- Letters (Bootcamp)- A-D
-Sight Words- little, and, of
-Color Word- yellow
-Reading Comprehension Skill- Sequence

2) Mathematics:
-Number Sense 0-20
- Identifying, writing, and counting numbers 0-20

3) Religion:
-God Gives Us Light
-We are Peacemakers like Jesus
-Daily Prayers

4)Social Studies:
- Citizenship Unit

5) Science:
- Apple Week! This week we will study life cycles of apples, discuss Johnny Appleseed, and have our first “STEM Fun Day Friday” revolving all around apple science activities!  

Other Important Reminders & Information

1) October Pizza Money is due this Friday.

2) Permission slips are due for our field trip this Wednesday.

3) There is no school next Friday October 5th or Monday October 9th for Professional Development & Columbus Day.

4) The St. Therese Walk-a-thon will be on Thursday Oct. 11th in the morning. This is a great fundraiser for our school. More information went home today.
5) Trunk or Treat is on Friday October 26th. Forms went home with more information today.

Thank you for your time. I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi

Monday, September 17, 2018

Week of September 17th

Good Afternoon Wonderful Kindergarten Families,

We are off to a tremendous start to our second full week of school! The students are really learning and remembering our daily routines and starting to work very hard on their assignments. I am greatly looking forward to our year ahead.

Here are this week's themes/concepts:

1) Reading/Language Arts/Phonics:
-Letter of the Week- Bb 
-Sight Words- Review I, am, the 
-Color Word- blue
-Reading Comprehension Skill: Characters

2) Mathematics:
- Identify Numbers 0-10
- Number Formation 0-10 

3) Religion
- Story of Creation
- God Made All Things
- Practicing our daily prayers

4) Social Studies:
- Citizenship Unit- how to be a good citizen, using our manners, being helpful/kind, we are all equal members of the Kindergarten team!

5) Science:

- Germs- keeping ourselves healthy, getting rid of germs, stop spreading of germs

Here is other important information/dates ahead: 

1) This Thursday September 20th is Back to School Night beginning at 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm.

2) This Friday September 21st is Picture Day. Students may come to school in whichever outfit you would like them to be photographed in. If ordering pictures, please be sure to send in your order form on/by Friday morning.

3) Wednesday October 10th is our field trip to the farm with 1st grade! Please send in permission slips and chaperone forms (if interested) by this Friday as I must secure the busing for the exact amount of attendees. 

4) Looking ahead to October- there is no school on Friday October 5th and Monday October 8th for Professional Development and Columbus Day.

5) Reading Folders may be kept home until  Monday Oct. 1st, as we will not be adding daily work into our folders until October. Please send in student's popcorn word booklets on Monday mornings so they may add the new words on Mondays. 

Thank you for your time. I look forward to seeing all of you on Thursday evening at Back to School Night!

Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi 

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Hello Wonderful Kindergarten Families,

We have had an absolutely fantastic first week of school! I am so proud of all the children for doing such an outstanding job. We have been learning all about our school/classroom routines, emergency procedures, and meeting our new friends.

This week we will begin slowly introducing our academic concepts and allowing the students to accumulate to our daily schedule and routine. At the beginning of each week I will update this post to include our new concepts and themes so you can discuss them with our child when they come home each day.

Here are the themes/concepts for this upcoming week:

1) Reading/Language Arts/ Phonics:
  • Letter: Aa
  • Sight Words: I, am, the
  • Color Word: Red
  • Reading Comprehension Skill: Characters
2) Mathematics:
·       Counting to 10
·       Number Recognition & formation 0-10

3) Religion:
·       Story of Creation- God Created The World
·       Learning/Practicing Daily Prayers- Sign of the Cross, Grace Before Meals, Grace After Meals, Hail Mary & Our Father

4) Science:
·       Germs- Staying healthy and stopping spreading of germs

5) Social Studies:
·       Begin Our 6 Week Citizenship Unit

Here is some important information about upcoming events:
1) Every Friday we have “Pizza Lunch Fridays” as our hot lunch option. This is separate from the Simply Gourmet Lunch Program and must be paid in advance, in cash only. The cost for each Friday is $3.00 per student. They will receive two slices of pizza. If you are interested in ordering Pizza Lunch for your child for the month of September, the order form and $9.00 payment MUST be sent in by Tuesday the 11th. The order form can be found on the Friday Folder on our school website.

Here is the direct link to the Friday Folder:

2) This Friday will be our first TAG Day of the year- the theme is BLUE- for anti-bullying and spreading kindness. Each month we will have one themed TAG Day as a fundraiser for our 8th grade class.  TAG Day is when students bring in $1 (cash only) and they are allowed to “dress down” for the day following a certain theme. They are NOT required to wear their uniform on a TAG Day, however they must have the $1 donation. This is a very fun and easy way to help us raise money for our 8th grade class, and the students love when they have a no-uniform day.

3) This Friday September 14th is our annual Ice Cream Social Family Night beginning at 7:00 pm in the gym. This is a free event for all active STS families to come enjoy some ice cream and spend time with our families. Registration is required in advance and all forms MUST be sent in by Tuesday September 11th. The form can be found on the Friday Folder.

4) Back to School Night will be on Thursday September 20th at 7:00 pm. We will discuss our year ahead as well as other important information. I look forward to seeing you all there! : )

5) Picture Day will be on Friday September 21st. We will not be taking our class photo this day, it will be individual portraits only.

6) Students may bring in water bottles daily to be left at their seats. We do have a fountain to refill water as necessary. Please ensure that your child’s water bottle is clearly labeled.

Thank you very much for your time. Please do not hesitate to email/Dojo me if you have any questions.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi

Week of November 18th

  Good Afternoon Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am SO happy I was able to be here in school today to have one last day ...