Sunday, April 19, 2020

Week of April 20th- Distance Learning Week 5

Baby Austin & I say "Welcome Back Kindergarten Friends!"

I hope you all had a fantastic Spring Break and celebrated the amazing gift from God that Jesus is Risen! Alleluia! 

This week will be Kindergarten's Virtual Spirit Week! Please follow the chart below (also provided via Dojo & Classroom) to see what each theme is for each day. It will be so fun to do this together, even though we won't be physically together we are always together in spirit! :) <3

I believe by now everyone has received their packets and Brain Bags from the main lobby, these will provide your child with all they will need for the next two weeks of our distance learning. 

Please see the April Newsletter I sent home as well as our Google Classroom DAILY that will provide all my recorded lessons for each subject and instructions on what we will be working on together each day. 

We will continue to have three weekly ZOOM meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Timing will be based upon the survey results, but as of now they will remain at 11:00 am. I will alert you via Dojo if there are any chances as well. 

I am looking forward to all our learning and activities coming up this week. As always, please reach out if you have any questions. Please continue to keep our very special STS Family in our prayer intentions this week and storm Heaven for them. Thank you for all you do!

Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi 

Week of November 18th

  Good Afternoon Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am SO happy I was able to be here in school today to have one last day ...