Monday, January 27, 2025

Week of January 27th


Good Afternoon Everyone!

I hope you are all having a wonderful start to your week.

It is SO nice being back with our class today- we are off to a great start- I missed these children so much! 

Firstly- we are looking for one more parent volunteer

who is available to come tomorrow for lunch duty in our

K classroom from 11:30-12:30 to assist Mrs. Bennett

in supervising our class while Mrs. Nowel & I are at

the teacher luncheon. Please let me know ASAP if you

are available and would like to assist us, we greatly

appreciate your support. Thank you! 🙂

Next, please see below for important information about our week ahead:

1) Please refer to the photo posted yesterday on Class Dojo for our Catholic Schools Week daily themes &

events coming up this week. 

2) Please note that due to the teacher luncheon

tomorrow- our K class will NOT be visiting the

school snack shop this week.

3) Reading folders are coming home today with our

new sight words and practice sheets-these are due

back on Friday. Please note that January monthly

homework is due back next Monday, February 3rd.

Students who return completed monthly work will

receive a prize coupon. 🙂

4) 100th Day Projects are due on Friday, February 7th. 

5) Save the Date-Thursday, February 13th at 1:00 pm

for our BIG Wedding of Q & U. Please keep an eye out

for a message later on this week with a signupgenius & RSVP link. 

6) Our class will celebrate Valentine’s Day during the

Wedding of Q & U along with a small class celebration

with Mrs. Nowel & I on Friday, 2/14. You will receive a

printed class list & info in your child's homework folders

regarding this in the coming days as well. 

Here are this week’s themes/concepts: 

1) LA/Reading/Phonics:

-Popcorn Words- run, away, here, where, to

-Reading Comprehension Skill- Character & Sequence 

-Writing Skill- Beginning sentences, writers workshop 

2) Mathematics:

-2D & 3D shapes  

3) Religion:

-We Learn From Jesus  

4) Science:

-Animals In Winter Unit Begins

-Hibernate, Migrate, Adapt 

Thank you for your time and attention. As always,

please reach out if you have any questions.

Have a Blessed Week!

Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi

week of March 3rd

  Hello Wonderful K Families, I hope this finds you all well & enjoying the start to March. I can't believe how fast the year is goi...