Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Field Trip Reminder!

Good Afternoon!
Tomorrow is our Field Trip to the Farm!! We are so excited. I sent home a golden
yellow paper today in homework folders with all information for tomorrow as well but
here are a few quick reminders.

1) We are NOT doing Bootcamp tomorrow, so please do not send in any show & tell.

2) Students must wear their gym uniform and appropriate footwear for the farm.
Please make sure they have at least a sweatshirt/jacket since it may be breezy. 

3) We are NOT bringing lunch boxes or backpacks to the farm, so students MUST
bring their lunch in a labeled bag. Please also send in snacks and a plastic water bottle
labeled as well. 

4) There is a ice cream/snack shop stand at the farm that we will visit in the
afternoon. You may send in money in an envelope that can be given to your child’s
chaperone if you’d like them to purchase any treats. 

5) We will be returning to school tomorrow before dismissal. 

Thank you for your time & attention, looking forward to an incredible trip with
this awesome kiddos! : )

Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi

Monday, October 21, 2019

Week of October 21st

OCTOBER 21st, 2019
Happy Monday!

We have a FANTASTIC and Fun-Filled week ahead in Kindergarten!

Here is some important information for this week: 
1) Please send in Halloween Goody Bag favors by this Friday, October 25th.
Thank you in advance! 

2) Our Field Trip to the Farm is this Thursday! Look for a reminder going home on
Wednesday with all crucial information. We are so excited for our trip with 1st grade.

3) This Friday is our next TAG Day- the theme is Halloween COLORS (not costumes).
For a $1 donation, students may dress down in Halloween themed attire. Please send in
$1 on Friday morning to help benefit our 8th grade buddies!

4) STS is kicking off a school-wide fundraiser to benefit the children at St. Joseph’s
Hospital. Please see the letter being sent home today regarding our toy drive. : )

Here are our themes & concepts of the week:
Language Arts/ Reading/Phonics: 
-Letters this week- I, J, K, L (No Bootcamp Thursday due to Field Trip)
-Sight Words: down, my, big, in, jump
-Color Word- orange
-Reading Comprehension Skill: Characters & Sequence

-Numbers in Base Ten
-Numbers 21-30

-St. Therese & Blessed Mother Mary
-The Holy Trinity
-God Provides for All We Need

Science/Social Studies:
-Pumpkin Science (Our next Science Friday is this week! Pumpkin Investigation Day!)
-Conclusion of Citizenship Unit 

Thank you for your time & attention. Looking forward to the wonderful week ahead.

Love & Prayers To All,

Mrs. Tironi

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week October 15th

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend, we are off to a great start to our week!

Here is some important information for this week, along with our weekly themes.

Important Information!
1) A letter regarding our Halloween festivities went home today. We kindly ask everyone to please send in one package of goody bag favor donations (18 ct. min.) by next Friday October 25th. Thank you in advance! 

2) Please be sure to send back the yellow Field Trip Permission Slip & chaperone fee (if you are chaperoning with us) no later than this Friday. 

3)We will be having Library this Thursday. Please send in any library books before Thursday. 

Weekly Themes/Concepts  

Language Arts/Reading/Phonics:
-Letters this week: E-H (Bootcamp)
-Sight Words: look, up, is, can, you (we are reviewing units 1 & 2 this week before continuing to the next unit)
-Color Word- Red
-Reading Comprehension Skill: Characters & Setting 

-Numbers 11-20 in base ten 

-St. Therese & Mother Mary
-God Loves All People
-God Provides For What We Need

Social Studies:
-Fire Safety


Thank you for your time & attention! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Have a great week! 

Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Weekly Update!

Good Afternoon!

We have been having an awesome week so far in Kindergarten. Our ABC Bootcamp is underway and we have been enjoying doing lots of fun letter-themed activities each day. Students love bringing in a special show & tell each day and are learning so much in the process. :) 

Here are some important announcements for this week:
1) Field Trip Permission slips went home today, this is the YELLOW sheet in the homework folders. Please sign and return all forms to school no later than next Friday Oct. 18th. This is imperative for your child to attend the trip.

2) Chaperone letters went home today as well for the families that signed up to chaperone our trip. The $25 chaperone fee is due back no later than Friday Oct. 18th. If you did not sign up yet but are interested in chaperoning, please reach out to me via Dojo ASAP.

3) Now that the weather is starting to get cooler, please remember to send your child to school in layers each day and send at least a sweatshirt or jacket as we do still go outside each day as long as it isn’t raining. Please, please, please LABEL all sweatshirts, sweaters, and jackets, as we often end up with a large lost & found collection in our classroom if they are not labeled. :) 

4) Tomorrow is our Walk-a-Thon in the morning. 

5) There will be a letter going home tomorrow regarding our upcoming Halloween party & events. 

6) There is no school on Friday & Monday. 

Thank you for your time, have a lovely evening.
Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi 

Friday, October 4, 2019

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!

We had a great end to our week today. Unfortunately we had many friends who were out sick today so we have rescheduled our “Apple Science Fun Day” to Monday instead.

I wanted to let you all know about some important paperwork that went home today in folders.

1) I am so excited to announce that on Monday we will be beginning our ABC Bootcamp Program. You will see a detailed letter explaining the program along with a calendar of dates. Each day students will be asked to bring in a show & tell from home that begins with the letter of the day. On Monday, students should bring in something that starts with “A”, they can also draw or print out a picture of an object if they truly cannot find one. 

2) October READO boards & reading logs went home today as well. They are not due back until November 1st. Students who sent in their Sept. reading homework received their certificates, prizes, and a coupon for a free Frosty from Wendy’s.

3) School pictures went home today as well. 

4) On Wednesday we will be having our Walk-a-Thon to honor Saint Therese.

5) There is no school on Friday Oct. 11th or Monday Oct. 14th. 

Have a wonderful weekend! It is great being with your awesome children each day.
Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi

week of March 3rd

  Hello Wonderful K Families, I hope this finds you all well & enjoying the start to March. I can't believe how fast the year is goi...