Monday, October 21, 2019

Week of October 21st

OCTOBER 21st, 2019
Happy Monday!

We have a FANTASTIC and Fun-Filled week ahead in Kindergarten!

Here is some important information for this week: 
1) Please send in Halloween Goody Bag favors by this Friday, October 25th.
Thank you in advance! 

2) Our Field Trip to the Farm is this Thursday! Look for a reminder going home on
Wednesday with all crucial information. We are so excited for our trip with 1st grade.

3) This Friday is our next TAG Day- the theme is Halloween COLORS (not costumes).
For a $1 donation, students may dress down in Halloween themed attire. Please send in
$1 on Friday morning to help benefit our 8th grade buddies!

4) STS is kicking off a school-wide fundraiser to benefit the children at St. Joseph’s
Hospital. Please see the letter being sent home today regarding our toy drive. : )

Here are our themes & concepts of the week:
Language Arts/ Reading/Phonics: 
-Letters this week- I, J, K, L (No Bootcamp Thursday due to Field Trip)
-Sight Words: down, my, big, in, jump
-Color Word- orange
-Reading Comprehension Skill: Characters & Sequence

-Numbers in Base Ten
-Numbers 21-30

-St. Therese & Blessed Mother Mary
-The Holy Trinity
-God Provides for All We Need

Science/Social Studies:
-Pumpkin Science (Our next Science Friday is this week! Pumpkin Investigation Day!)
-Conclusion of Citizenship Unit 

Thank you for your time & attention. Looking forward to the wonderful week ahead.

Love & Prayers To All,

Mrs. Tironi

Week of March 10th

  Good morning!  We are off to a great start of our Dr. Seuss Week! Please read below for important information & reminders: 1) Please ...