Thursday, February 27, 2020


Good Afternoon! 

I just wanted to let you all know of a few papers that went home today in homework folders. The first is our next home project, My Lucky Family Shamrock, with an included letter of directions. Students are asked to decorate the shamrock together with you as a family, they may cut and glue pictures, draw pictures, decorate using stickers, markers, crayons, etc. anything they desire to make it special and show how unique and awesome each family is. :)

The second notice is a letter about our upcoming special day on Monday! We will be celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday and having a very fun and exciting day. Students are asked to dress down in a specific color/theme so please see the letter for more info and I will also send a reminder Sunday as well.

Lastly, I will not be in tomorrow as I will be in West Orange for a teacher conference but Mrs. Nowel & Mrs. Joyce will be in. Please send any messages to them about dismissal changes tomorrow so they are aware. 

Thank you for your time! Have a lovely evening.
Mrs. Tironi 

Week of November 18th

  Good Afternoon Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am SO happy I was able to be here in school today to have one last day ...