Good Evening Wonderful K Families!
I sincerely apologize for sending our weekly update so late, today was
quite busy but our class did truly terrific! I hope you all had a wonderful
long weekend, I am so happy to be back with our class for all the fun ahead. :)
1) Our new weekly homework went home today in reading folders (or
homework folders if your child did not return their Reading folder
today). Since it is a short week again, reading folders are not due
back until next Monday.
2) As we are in the month of our patron saint, you will see in homework
folders today a copy of the prayer to St. Therese attached to a bouquet
of flowers activity. Please practice this prayer with your child throughout
the rest of this month and for each time they practice it, they can color,
cut & glue one of the flowers for her bouquet. There are 9 in total, please
return it completed by October 28th.
3) As we are quickly flying through our ABC Bootcamp program, I will be
sending home our bootcamp vests tomorrow. These are paper bag vests that
students are asked to design and decorate with their assigned letter. A
detailed letter will accompany their paper bag vests with more information
as well. These vests are due back by October 21st.
4) We are beginning to prepare for our class Halloween party and are asking
for families, if possible, to help us by donating one package of
Halloween/Fall themed goody bag favors that we can use to compile
together to make bags for all 26 of our students. These favors do need to
be non-food, please. If you are interested in helping us, please send any
favor donations to school by Tuesday, October 25th.
5) Pizza money is due by Thursday!
6) As the weather begins to get chilly and we are wearing numerous layers,
please try to LABEL every piece of clothing that your child may remove
during the day (sweatshirts, jackets, sweatpants, etc.) Our class' lost &
found bin has been growing by the day with unlabeled items and students do
not recognize if it belongs to them or not.
Here are our themes/concepts for the week:
1) Reading/Language Arts/Phonics:
Bootcamp Letters & their Sounds of the Week: T-W
Sight Words: I, the, and, see, at
Writer’s Workshop
2) Mathematics:
Place Value- Tens & Ones
Ten Frames- Teen Numbers
3) Religion:
Honoring St. Therese
Praying the Rosary
The Church Year
4) Social Studies:
Fire Safety & Prevention
5) Science:
-Pumpkin Science Month
-Investigation Science Fun Day on Friday!!
Important Dates Ahead:
- Friday 10/14- Roxbury Fire Department Visits STS (during school)
-Wednesday 10/19 (Rain Date 10/20)- K Fall Field Trip to Tranquility
-Friday 10/21 ABC Bootcamp Vests Due
-Tuesday 10/25- ABC Bootcamp Fashion Show (info to come)
-Friday 10/28- Class Halloween Party & TAG Day (during school)
-Friday 10/28- Trunk or Treat (after school event- see Friday Folder)
-Monday 10/31- Halloween (students may wear costumes this day only-
info to come as we get closer)
Thank you so much for your time & attention. Have a Blessed evening!
Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi