Good Afternoon!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a nice break. I am so excited to celebrate this Advent season with our amazing class. We have a lot of wonderful events coming up, please see all the important info below:
1) Tomorrow is our next TAG day for the 8th grade project graduation. The theme is “Sports Day”, students who dress down should send in the $1 donation in their homework folders.
2) Reading folders are going home today with our new weekly AND monthly homework. If you did not get a chance to return previously completed work, you may send it in any day this week. Weekly homework is due back this Friday.
3) Santa Shop order forms & payments are due no later than November 30th. We MUST have a response from ALL students, even if your child will not be shopping, so we ask if you can please kindly return the form by the deadline. Thank you!
4) Scholastic Book Orders will be placed this evening by 8:00 pm. If you would like to add an order, please try to do so before that time. If you are interested in ordering, please place your order online using our class code P8VPV ( Our class earns points for every order placed that helps us expand the classroom library as well. :)
5) Please ensure your child wears appropriate layers and has a winter jacket (hats, gloves, scarves suggested on very cold days). We always go outside daily as long as it is above 32 degrees and not raining. Please make sure ALL pieces are LABELED! :)
6) Pizza money is due by Thursday.
7) I apologize that the link I sent last week for the Thanksgiving Show did not work. I believe I have corrected all the sharing settings so you should now be able to view the videos of their amazing performances.
Here are our themes/concepts for the week:
1) Reading/Language Arts/Phonics:
Sight Words: find, one, little, yellow, it
Reading Skill: Setting & Characters
Writer’s Workshop- Simple Sentence
Syllables & Blending Sounds
2) Mathematics:
Skip Counting by 5’s and 10’s
3) Religion:
Honoring the Saints
Advent- Week of Hope
4) Social Studies:
Holidays Around the World
Important Dates Ahead:
-Friday 12/02- First Friday Mass @ 8:30 am
-Saturday 12/03- Santa Breakfast
-Tuesday 12/06- Santa Shop
-Thursday 12/15- Christmas Concert Grades K-8 (evening time)
(details to come)
-Friday 12/23- Half Day- NO aftercare & class party
Thank you so much for your time & attention. Have a wonderful week.
Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi