Good Afternoon,
I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend! I cannot believe how
quickly this month is flying by. We are going to be very busy this week
as we prepare for Thanksgiving.
Please see the information below:
1) Reading Folders are going home today with our new weekly work.
We will be utilizing the same Tic Tac Toe board this week but students
now have the option to choose ANY 5 sight words they would like
to practice each day. We are reviewing all 20 words learned so far,
please have them practice 5 a day. These folders are due back Friday.
2) Christmas Breakfast Permission Slips went home today in homework
folders. Please fill these out & return to school no later than this Friday,
November 18th.
3) This Friday is Picture Day for individual retakes & class photos. All
students must be in uniform.
4) Snack shop will be held tomorrow during lunch. Pizza money is due
5) Kindness Club will be meeting Wednesday after school. If your child
is signed up and will be attending, please send a note or DOJO message by
Wednesday morning.
6) Our Thanksgiving celebration will be taking place on Wednesday,
November 23rd. Our class will be putting on a special play performance for
all families at 11:15 am. I will also be recording a dress rehearsal on Friday,
November 18th that I will share with everyone during break so in case
anyone is traveling during the week of Thanksgiving, your child can still
participate in the show. Please complete the Google form ASAP if you
haven’t already:
7) A reminder that next week (11/21-11/23) we have half days with noon
dismissal, there is after care available Monday & Tuesday but Wednesday
there is no after care. Kindergarten conferences will be held in January. :)
8) Our next 8th Grade Project Graduation TAG day will now be held on Tuesday, November 29th. The theme will be “Sports Day”.
Here are our themes/concepts for the week:
1) Reading/Language Arts/Phonics:
Sight Words: Review Unites 1-4
Reading Skill: Plot & Character
Writer’s Workshop- Creating a Simple Sentence
Syllables & Blending Sounds
2) Mathematics:
Tally Marks & Data Unit
3) Religion:
Honoring the Saints
The Church Year
Thankful Hearts
4) Social Studies:
The First Thanksgiving
Important Dates Ahead:
-Friday 11/18: Class Photo & Picture Retake Day
-Monday 11/21 & Tuesday 11/22: Noon Dismissal with After care
-Wednesday 11/23: K Thanksgiving Performance 11:15 am & noon
dismissal NO AfterCare
-Thursday 11/24-Friday 11/25: School Closed for Thanksgiving Break
Thank you so much for your time & attention. Have a wonderful week.
Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi