Monday, May 1, 2023

Week of May 1st


Week of May 1st

Good Afternoon & Happy May!

Can you believe we are officially in our LAST full month of school?!

I sure can’t, time is flying by! 🙁Even though time is flying by,

we have so much exciting and busy events ahead to look forward


Please review the following information carefully:

1) Tomorrow officially begins our Kindergarten “Final Countdown!”

the last 26 days of school, with a themed alphabet letter activity

each day. A bright pink calendar is going home today in homework

folders that will list each day & the theme. 

Please hang this somewhere at home where you & your child can

review it every day to see what your child may need to

bring/do/wear. I will also send reminders throughout the week if

needed, as some days (such as this Thursday, letter C for camping)

requires students to dress down. 

We are looking for some assistance if possible for some of the

Final Countdown activities. If you are interested in helping us,

please see the Sign Up link below.

(Please note our BIGGEST event is on Letter T- Tuesday, May

30th with our TERRIFIC surprise & I will be sending an email out

to room moms & volunteers with this information soon!) 

2) We will be celebrating our amazing Mrs. Nowel & her

birthday this Friday by tying it into our Final Countdown

with a SURPRISE “Donut & Dessert Party!” In your child’s

homework folder, hidden behind the pink calendar, you will

see a “Decorate a Donut” paper for Mrs. Nowel. Please have

your child work on this for her by designing and decorating

the donut as colorful as they’d like and writing a message

to her. Please return these to me NO LATER than Thursday

so I can assemble them as a gift for her. Thank you in advance! 

3) Field Day T-Shirt orders are due online by tomorrow


If you are not ordering the shirt, you will be asked to still send

in a plain white t-shirt sometime in the middle of the month

for tie dying. 

4) Snack shop is open tomorrow and pizza money is due


5) Reminder: SAVE THE DATE- Our Kindergarten Graduation

will be held on Wednesday, June 7th at 9:00 am. Please note

this is Kindergarten’s LAST day, they come for Graduation ONLY & then they officially finished for the school year! The big school’s (Grades 1-7) last day is Thursday, June 8th.

Here are our themes/concepts for the week:

1) Reading/Language Arts/Phonics:

  • Spelling Words: white, wheel, what, when, why

  • Sight Words: no, with, they, eat, came 

  • Reading Skill: Characters, Fiction & Nonfiction

  • Writer’s Workshop- Simple Sentences, Nouns & Verbs

  • Syllables & Blending Sounds- CVC Words (short vowels)

2) Mathematics:

  • Money Unit Begins 


3) Religion:

  • We Belong to the Church

  • Honoring Blessed Mother Mary

  • Rosaries  

4) Science:

  • Life Cycles 

5) Social Studies:

  • Wonderful World- Maps Skills, Globes, Continents 

Important Dates Ahead:

-Tuesday, May 2nd- Final Countdown Begins!

-Tuesday, May 2nd- Field Day T-Shirts Orders Due 

-Thursday, May 4th- Camping Day (Dress down for K only) 

-Friday, May 5th- First Friday Mass 8:45 am & Mrs. Nowel’s SURPRISE Birthday celebration (pm)

-Thursday, May 11th- May Crowning 1:00 pm 

-Thursday, May 18th- K-8th Grade Spring Music Concert 

-Friday, May 19th- Patriotic TAG Day (schoolwide) & Mrs. Tironi Birthday Celebration 

-Friday, May 26th- Half Day 12:00 pm dismissal NO ASC 

-Monday, May 29th- School Closed Memorial Day 

Thank you so much for your time & attention. Have a Blessed Week!

Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi 

Week of November 18th

  Good Afternoon Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am SO happy I was able to be here in school today to have one last day ...