Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Week of November 14th


Good Afternoon Everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. Despite it being a shortened week, we are very busy with some wonderful events ahead. Please review the following information below:

1) This Friday is our Thanksgiving Play & Celebration, please read the

section below at the end of this message for some very important housekeeping items. 

2) Pizza money is due Thursday. Homework is due Friday

(please note in an effort to conserve some paper it is 2-sided this week) 

3) Class pictures & individual retakes are this Friday. All students

MUST be in their winter uniform. 

4) Christmas Breakfast Permission slips went home last week. These

are due back no later than this Friday, 11/17. 

5) Next week Monday & Tuesday are half days with a noon dismissal

due to big school conferences. There is aftercare available those two

days from 12-6. Kindergarten conferences will be held in January.

Wednesday of next week is a noon dismissal with NO aftercare due to

Thanksgiving break. 

6) SAVE THE DATE- Our annual Christmas Music Concert is coming

up next month. As mentioned in Mr. Dunnigan’s blog on Friday, it will

be broken into two dates this year to accommodate all the families in

the gym. 

Grades K-3 will perform on Tuesday, December 12th at 1:00 pm

in the gym. More info to come as we get closer as well. 

7) Also mentioned on Mr. Dunnigan’s blog- on Friday, December 8th

the entire school will have a half day with a noon dismissal and

there is NO aftercare available due to the

Faculty, Staff & Clergy Christmas Celebration. 

8) SAVE THE DATE (AGAIN!)- On Thursday, December 7th our

class will be having one of our LARGEST and most MAGICAL days

ever- which is a TOP SECRET SURPRISE to our students. Please keep

an eye out as I will be sending an email to everyone by the end of this

week with information about this special day. 🙂

Thanksgiving Performance & Celebration Info:

-If you have signed up to bring in any food donations for our

celebration, please send them to school by Thursday afternoon.

Thank you so much! 

-Families who are coming to watch the play & join us for the

celebration may come directly to our building, we will have a sign in

sheet downstairs for you. 

-We will open the door downstairs for families to come in

no earlier than 12:50/55 pm,

as students will still be getting ready in our classroom and space is VERY limited. 

-Please try to park in the learning center parking lot only or

closer to the church, so as not to block the big school car rider line. 

-Older STS Siblings will be called down from the main office &

escorted over to our building at 1:00 pm. They will watch the

performance and then be escorted back to their classrooms after. 

- If you are signing out your K student at the conclusion of our event

(at dismissal time) and would ALSO like to sign out your older STS

student, please send a note alerting their teachers & the main office

that you plan to do so. Ms. Hopkins will escort them back to our

building before dismissal begins at 2:25 pm. This is especially

important if your child is typically a bus rider, as teachers need to

know first thing in the morning how they will go home in the afternoon. 🙂

Important Dates Ahead: 

-Friday 11/17- Class Picture Day & Retakes (winter uniform)

-Friday 11/17 @ 1:00 pm- Kindergarten Presents “The First Thanksgiving” 

-Monday 11/20-Tuesday 11/21- Half Days 12:00 dismissal with aftercare available 

-Wednesday 11/22- Half Day- 12:00 dismissal NO aftercare

-Thursday 11/23 & Friday 11/24- School Closed for Thanksgiving Break 

Thank you so much for your time & attention. Have a Blessed Week!

Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi

Week of November 18th

  Good Afternoon Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am SO happy I was able to be here in school today to have one last day ...