Thank you for making my birthday so special! I am so blessed! :)
Good Afternoon,
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We have a busy week ahead!
Here is some important information to please read carefully:
1) Tomorrow is our Spring Music Concert for Grades K-3.
Students are still to wear their regular SCHOOL uniform to school.
The concert will begin at 1:00 pm in the gym. If you plan on taking
your child home with you after the concert, please send us a note
or dojo message to let us know ASAP so we can mark dismissal accordingly.
2) This Friday is a half day with a noon dismissal and NO aftercare.
It is a TAG day- the theme is Red, White & Blue. It is also our TOP
SECRET MAGICAL SURPRISE DAY! We are very excited for a
MARVELOUS & MEMORABLE day with our class. 🙂
3) There is no snack shop and no pizza lunch this week.
4) Next Wednesday, May 29th is Field Day. Letters went home
last week telling you what color team your child will be on to let
you know what color shirt they should wear that morning with
their gym shorts.
5) Please save the date for Kindergarten Graduation on
Thursday, June 13th at 9:00 am. More info & formal invites to come!
Here are our themes/concepts for the week:
1) Reading/Language Arts/Phonics:
Sight Words: Primer List #4- yes, am, under, four, brown
Spelling Words: (oo)- look, book, hook, foot, moon
Writer’s Workshop- Writing Sentences
Story Elements: Character, Setting, Plot
2) Mathematics:
Money Unit
3) Religion:
Honoring Mary
Discovering Our Gifts from God
4) Science:
Life Cycles- Insects
5) Social Studies:
-Our Wonderful World
Thank you so much for your time & attention.
Have a Blessed Week!
Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi