Monday, February 24, 2025

Week of February 24th


Hello Wonderful K Families,

I hope this message finds you all well. We have another wonderful week of K ahead of us.

Please read below for all important announcements & info:

1) Field Trip RSVP’s are due no later than this Wednesday. ALL students must have a response so we can plan accordingly. Please use the link below to let us know if your child will be joining us at Crayola on Monday, April 7th.

2) Reading folders are coming home today with our new weekly checklist, practice sheets and themes. Weekly homework is due back on Friday and February Monthly Homework is due on Monday. 

3) This Friday is a special TAG day to raise donations for Father John’s Animal House. Please see the attached picture for detailed description of what donations are accepted and if you send in any items, your child may dress down on Friday (animal themed attired). 

Info can also be found on ParentSquare here:

4) This Saturday is the annual Meatball Madness Dinner hosted by our awesome 8th grade class. Please consider joining for a yummy dinner and to help benefit our wonderful buddies. Order forms can be found on the STS website. 

Here are this week’s themes/concepts: 

1) LA/Reading/Phonics:

-Popcorn Words- go, blue, not, two, three

-Reading Comprehension Skill- Character & Sequence 

-Writing Skill- Beginning sentences, writers workshop 

2) Mathematics:

-Addition Unit!  

3) Religion:

-Jesus’ Miracles

-Preparing for Lent 

4) Science:

-Arctic Animals & Habitats 

Thank you for your time and attention.

As always, please reach out if you have any questions.

Have a Blessed Week!

Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Week of February 18th


Hello Wonderful K Families,

I hope this finds you all well and staying warm on these

blustery cold days. We are off to a great start to our week.

Please read below for our weekly update & important announcements:

1) Reading folders are coming home today with our

new weekly work. I am VERY excited to announce that

we finally have IXL set up for our class. IXl is a

wonderful, online program that is provided to us by

the diocese for extra supplemental practice of math

and language arts. It is used all throughout the big

school as well from 1st-8th grade.

You will see your child’s IXL login card information taped

directly on the front of their homework folder.

Scan the QR code, or enter the link

along with their username & password and

they can work at their leisure. As they master skills,

it will differentiate them to keep them learning & moving forward. 

You will also see a new weekly homework checklist

starting this week for you to indicate what your child

chooses to work on during the week. I know it is a

shortened week, so students are only asked to practice

this week from Tuesday to Thursday and may complete

as many activities as you’d like together, there is NO

minimum requirement. Please sign the checklist each

week & return it with completed homework on Friday


2) Please see the link below for important information about our upcoming spring family field trip and be sure

to RSVP no later than next Wednesday, Feb. 26th. All families MUST respond to the link please. 

Here are this week’s themes/concepts: 

1) LA/Reading/Phonics:

-Popcorn Words- love, God, Jesus, mom, dad

-Reading Comprehension Skill- Character & Sequence 

-Writing Skill- Beginning sentences, writers workshop 

2) Mathematics:

-Addition Unit Begins!  

3) Religion:

-Jesus’ Miracles

4) Science:

-Arctic Animals & Habitats 

Thank you for your time and attention. As always, please reach out if you have any questions.

Have a Blessed Week!

Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi

Monday, February 10, 2025

Week of February 10th


Good afternoon wonderful K Families,

I hope everyone had a great weekend! We have an EXTREMELY busy week ahead for our incredible class. 

Please read below carefully for all important information:

1) Secret Valentine’s Projects are due no later than this Wednesday. 

2) This Thursday is our big event- The Wedding of Q & U! Please refer to the detailed letter sent home last week and make sure your child arrives to school dressed in their “Wedding Best”! Doors will open in the big school no earlier than 12:50 pm on Thursday, ceremony begins promptly at 1:00 pm. Please make sure to fill out the RSVP form ASAP if you haven’t already. Link is below:

3) Friday we will be celebrating Valentine’s day with a small class celebration with Mrs. Nowel & myself. Students may bring in their valentine’s to distribute that day as well. It is also a TAG day- the theme is Valentine’s colors (red, pink, white). 

4) School is closed on Monday in observance of President’s Day. 

5) There will NOT be any reading homework sent this week, we will resume next Tuesday. 

Thank you so much for your time & attention. Looking forward to another amazing week of K together! 🙂

Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi

Monday, February 3, 2025

Week of February 3rd


Good afternoon K Families!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Happy February! We have a VERY exciting and busy month ahead for us. 

Please read important info below:

1) Coming home today in homework folders is a very special “Secret Valentine’s Project” with a detailed letter. Please have your child spend time decorating this for the friend listed on the bottom of the letter. Please send completed hearts to school no later than next Wednesday, February 12th. 

2) Reading folders are coming home today with our new Monthly and weekly work. If your child completed January’s READO board & log they may send it in this week for a prize coupon. Weekly work is due on Friday, monthly is not due until March 3rd. 

3) On Wednesday we will be having “Hibernation Day” in our classroom. Students will be asked to bring ONE stuffed animal friend with them on this day but it MUST be an animal that hibernates in the winter (i.e. bears, squirrel, frogs, hedgehog, turtles, etc) it can be any colors/patterns of those animals.  Also, you can ask your little scientist all about Hibernate, Migrate, Adapt and they can tell you lots of great info too! :) 

4) This Friday we will be celebrating our 100th Day of School! Please send in your child’s 100th Day Mystery Project on Friday morning. We will also be attending First Friday Mass at 8:45 am, which is also the Ring & Pin Ceremony for our 8th grade buddies. 

5) Tomorrow you will receive a detailed letter regarding our very special upcoming Wedding of Q &U which is taking place next Thursday 2/13. If you are interested in helping us with refreshments for our reception, please see the signupgenius below.

6) Tomorrow in homework folders you will also receive a special letter regarding Valentine’s Day celebration along with a class list of all 22 of our students. 

7) There is school snack shop open tomorrow during lunch if you would like to send in $ for your child. 

Here are this week’s themes/concepts: 

1) LA/Reading/Phonics:

-Popcorn Words- run, away, here, where, to

-Reading Comprehension Skill- Character & Sequence 

-Writing Skill- Beginning sentences, writers workshop 

2) Mathematics:

-2D & 3D shapes  

3) Religion:

-Jesus’ Miracles 

4) Science:

-Animals In Winter Unit 

-Hibernate, Migrate, Adapt 

Thank you for your time and attention. As always, please reach out if you have any questions.

Have a Blessed Week!

Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi

week of March 3rd

  Hello Wonderful K Families, I hope this finds you all well & enjoying the start to March. I can't believe how fast the year is goi...