Hello Wonderful K Families,
I hope this finds you all well and staying warm on these
blustery cold days. We are off to a great start to our week.
Please read below for our weekly update & important announcements:
1) Reading folders are coming home today with our
new weekly work. I am VERY excited to announce that
we finally have IXL set up for our class. IXl is a
wonderful, online program that is provided to us by
the diocese for extra supplemental practice of math
and language arts. It is used all throughout the big
school as well from 1st-8th grade.
You will see your child’s IXL login card information taped
directly on the front of their homework folder.
Scan the QR code, or enter the link ixl.com/signin/paterson
along with their username & password and
they can work at their leisure. As they master skills,
it will differentiate them to keep them learning & moving forward.
You will also see a new weekly homework checklist
starting this week for you to indicate what your child
chooses to work on during the week. I know it is a
shortened week, so students are only asked to practice
this week from Tuesday to Thursday and may complete
as many activities as you’d like together, there is NO
minimum requirement. Please sign the checklist each
week & return it with completed homework on Friday
2) Please see the link below for important information about our upcoming spring family field trip and be sure
to RSVP no later than next Wednesday, Feb. 26th. All families MUST respond to the link please.
Here are this week’s themes/concepts:
1) LA/Reading/Phonics:
-Popcorn Words- love, God, Jesus, mom, dad
-Reading Comprehension Skill- Character & Sequence
-Writing Skill- Beginning sentences, writers workshop
2) Mathematics:
-Addition Unit Begins!
3) Religion:
-Jesus’ Miracles
4) Science:
-Arctic Animals & Habitats
Thank you for your time and attention. As always, please reach out if you have any questions.
Have a Blessed Week!
Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi