Good morning!
We are off to a great start of our Dr. Seuss Week! Please
read below for important information & reminders:
1) Please refer to the Dr. Seuss Week flyer (and Dojo post)
each day to see if your child needs to bring anything to
school each day this week to match our themes.
2) Reading folders are coming home today with our new
spelling words- our focus is short “e” words. Weekly work
is due back by Friday. We will be reviewing ALL 40 sight
words we have learned so far this year during our Read
Across America celebration this week. Therefore we will
not have new sight words until next week.
3) Tomorrow the school snack shop will be open at lunch.
Please send in $ in your child’s folder (labeled for snack
shop) if you’d like them to buy anything.
4) Next Monday is a St. Patrick’s Day TAG day & we will
also have our class celebration that afternoon. If you are
interested in helping us with items for our class party,
please see the signup genius below:
5) Summer Camp Info Below if you would like to join us
this summer!
Here are this week’s themes/concepts:
1) LA/Reading/Phonics:
-Popcorn Words- go, blue, not, two, three
-Spelling Words- wet, pet, hen, bed, sled
-Reading Comprehension Skill- Problem & Solution
-Writing Skill- Beginning sentences, writers workshop
2) Mathematics:
-Addition Unit
3) Religion:
-Lenten Journey with Jesus
4) Social Studies:
-Dr. Seuss Week
Thank you for your time and attention. As always,
please reach out if you have any questions.
Have a Blessed Week!
Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi