Friday, January 25, 2019

Week of January 28th- Catholic Schools Week

Hello & Happy Friday!

It was so wonderful meeting with you all for conferences this week, I am proud of all the accomplishments our class has done and I look forward to the rest of our great year together!

Next week we will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week and each day we will be having a special event going on. There are THREE special “TAG” days next week, the schedule is as follows below.

1) Monday January 28th “Celebrate the Community Day”: TAG Day for students to wear BLUE as our theme. We are asking for a monetary donation for Mt. Arlington Police Officer Sergeant James DiStatsio, who was involved in a severe car accident on duty and is still in the hospital.

2) Tuesday January 29th “Celebrate Our Students Day”: TAG Day for students to wear their new CSW Shirt and jeans. They do not have to make a donation to dress down this day, however if they do not have a new CSW shirt they MUST wear their uniform this day. In the afternoon, the whole school will celebrate by having “Movie Day” and watching Toy Story 3 in the gym.

3) Wednesday January 30th “Celebrate Vocation Day”: Students wear their normal gym uniform. We are making class cards to honor the wonderful members of the Vocation at STS. We will also have an open house in the morning from 9:00-11:00 and Grades 3-5 will be presenting their special Wax Museum in the afternoon.

4) Thursday January 31st “Celebrate The Nation Day”: TAG DAY- Students are asked to wear Red, White and Blue (Patriotic Theme) to celebrate the USA. Students are asked to bring in a monetary donation that will go towards the Wounded Warrior Project. In the afternoon, we will have our annual Volleyball Game! Grades 7 & 8 will compete against Faculty & Parents. We are in need of some volunteers and would love it anyone is interested in coming and playing some volleyball! Please see Friday Folder online for more information. 

5) Friday February 1st “Celebrate Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers”: Students wear their uniform, we will be attending special mass at 11:00 for appreciate and acknowledge all our wonderful volunteers. Teachers will have a teacher appreciation lunch from 12:00-1:00 pm and room moms are in need of volunteers to assist in watching the classes during this time.

Other Important Information!

- Our 100th Day is quickly approaching and today special directions went home in folders for our “100th Day Mystery Project”. Please do not send back in your special project until Friday Feb. 8th as we would like to present them that day during our celebration.

- Our 2019 STS Summer Camp interest form went home this weekend- no money is due at this time, we are just hoping to get an idea of how many students may join us this summer. : )

-SAVE THE DATE- Friday February 15th at 1:15 pm is our next big Kindergarten event- The Wedding of Q & U. A formal invitation and explanation will be going home on Monday. We hope a lot of families are able to join us for this special and memorable day.

Thank you so much for your time and attention. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi

Week of November 18th

  Good Afternoon Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am SO happy I was able to be here in school today to have one last day ...