Monday, January 9, 2023

Week of January 9th


Good Afternoon Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am excited to kick off another

amazing week with our class.

Please see below for important announcements & info:

1) Catholic Schools Week T-Shirts are on sale now & orders are due online

by tomorrow if you are interested in buying one. They will be used during

CSW (at the end of this month) for a special TAG day and then may also be

used as a gym uniform t-shirt for the remainder of the year. Please see the

link found here to order:

2) Reading Folders are going home today with our new weekly packet. For

the sight word Tic Tac Toe board & writing sheet, please have your child

write the words of the week (as found on the cover page)-

here, away, run, where, to. Weekly work is due back Friday. 

3) Kindergarten Conferences are coming up on Wednesday, January 25th

and Friday, January 27th. If you haven’t done so already, please see the

Sign Up Link below to schedule your time for our conference and as always

please reach out to me if needed. I am greatly looking forward to meeting

with everyone. :)

4) Snack Shop will be open tomorrow during lunch and a reminder that

pizza $ is due no later than Thursday, please. 

5) This Friday will be our Science “Hibernation Day”. A small letter is going

home in homework folders today to explain what students should bring to

school with them on Friday. :) 

Here are our themes/concepts for the week:

1) Reading/Language Arts/Phonics:

  • Sight Words: here, where, to, run, away 

  • Reading Skill: Setting & Characters

  • Writer’s Workshop- Simple Sentences

  • Syllables & Blending Sounds- CVC Words 

2) Mathematics:

  • Geometry Unit- 2D & 3D Shapes


3) Religion:

  • Jesus Grows Up in Nazareth 

4) Social Studies:

  • Martin Luther King Jr.- Teaching love, equality, peace and the importance of believing in our dreams! 

5) Science:

  • Hibernation, Migration & Adaption Unit! 

Important Dates Ahead:

-Friday 1/13- Kindergarten Hibernation Science Day

-Monday 1/16- NO SCHOOL for MLK Jr. Day

-Weds. 1/25 & Fri. 1/27- Kindergarten Conferences

-Friday 1/27- TAG Day (Pajama Day Theme) 

-Sunday 1/29- Catholic Schools Week Begins! :) (info to come) 

Thank you so much for your time & attention. Have a Blessed week.

Love & Prayers,

Mrs. Tironi

Week of March 10th

  Good morning!  We are off to a great start of our Dr. Seuss Week! Please read below for important information & reminders: 1) Please ...