Hello Wonderful K Families,
I hope this finds you all well & enjoying the start to March. I can't believe how fast the year is going. We have another wonderful month full of special events & lots of learning. Please read below for important information:
1) Tomorrow we will be attending Ash Wednesday mass at 8:45 am. This is a school mass, families are invited to join us for ashes as well. Students may still wear their regular gym uniforms tomorrow.
2) Field trip invoices are coming home today in homework folders. Please return the bottom portion of the invoice with your payment no later than next Tuesday, March 11th.
3) We have officially begun our very first spelling unit! As you may have noticed on yesterday’s new weekly homework packet, our 5 spelling words this week all reflect the “short a” sound & word families. Please have students complete the spelling practice sheet using those five words. We will have our first test on Friday morning with these words and each week it will increasingly get slightly more challenging (more of a mix of various word families, etc.).
4) Next week we'll be honoring Dr. Seuss with an entire weeklong celebration where each day will be themed to a different Seuss story. A detailed letter will be coming home tomorrow (Wednesday, March 5th) with our themes & events for each day. Please refer to that list each day next week so your child is prepared for our Seuss fun!
5) Summer Camp Info Here: https://files.ecatholic.com/23092/documents/2025/2/Summer%20Camp%20REG%202025.pdf?t=1740767331000
Here are this week’s themes/concepts:
1) LA/Reading/Phonics:
-Popcorn Words- go, blue, not, two, three
-Spelling Words- cat, hat, bag, man, pan
-Reading Comprehension Skill- Character & Sequence
-Writing Skill- Beginning sentences, writers workshop
2) Mathematics:
-Addition Unit
3) Religion:
-Ash Wednesday
-Lenten Journey with Jesus
4) Science:
-Arctic Animals & Habitats
Thank you for your time and attention. As always, please reach out if you have any questions.
Have a Blessed Week!
Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi