Sunday, January 26, 2020

Happy Catholic Schools Week!

Good Morning & Happy Catholic Schools Week!

It was such a pleasure meeting with you all this week for conferences to discuss your amazing
children. It is so hard to believe we are already half way through Kindergarten, the time needs to
slow down! This week is a very special week for our school as we are celebrating Catholic Schools
Week and each day is a different theme we'll be focusing on. Please take note of the following
schedule below to see what each day entails, as we will be having 3 TAG Days this week for students
to dress down! :)

Monday-  Celebrate the Community! Students are asked to wear BLUE on Monday to honor and
show respect for our police officers. Our $1 donations for this TAG Day will go to the family of
Detective Joseph Seals from Jersey City.

Tuesday- Celebrate the Students!- Students are asked to wear their NEW STS Catholic Schools
Week shirt to school and may dress down with any pants/shoes they wish. No monetary donations
are needed this day, but students MUST wear this STS shirt in order to dress down this day. We will
be celebrating the students in the afternoon by having a super fun Buddy Bingo game in the big school! 

Wednesday- Celebrate Vocations- Students are asked to wear their normal gym uniform this day,
as we will be having Open House in the morning from 9:00-11:00, followed by a lunch to honor our
wonderful priests & deacon. In the afternoon we will be visiting the Wax Museum, presented by
Grades 3-5 in the big school. 

Thursday- Celebrate our Country!- Students are asked to wear Red, White & Blue to show pride for
our country! Our $1 donations this day will go towards the Wounded Warrior Foundation. In the
afternoon we will be watching the Annual Volleyball game in the gym, as we cheer on our buddies and

Friday- Celebrate our Faculty, Staff & Volunteers- Students are asked to wear their regular school
uniform this day, as we will be attending Mass at 11:00 to honor all the faculty, staff and volunteers who
make STS the best place to be! :) 

Side note- reading folders and book baggies will resume tomorrow, and I will send our weekly update
tomorrow afternoon regarding our themes/concepts of the week ahead.

Thank you for your time, I am greatly looking forward to celebrating this week with our class.

Mrs. Tironi

Week of November 18th

  Good Afternoon Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I am SO happy I was able to be here in school today to have one last day ...