Good Afternoon & Welcome Back!
I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and had a great time with your
families. I am sorry for the delay in my weekly update, I was out sick
yesterday with a bad migraine. I am happy to be back today and we had an
awesome time in Kindergarten. Here are a few important updates and
information for the week ahead!
1) Reading Folders went home yesterday with this week’s homework
checklist and sight word practice. They are due back this Friday, please.
We are spending this week reviewing Unit 1 words we learned last week. I
am so happy to see many children are using Raz Kids and ABCmouse to
practice at home as well. Completed September reading logs went home last
week with their certificates and Free Frosty coupons (from Wendy’s) for all
students who returned their log. They have until November 2nd to
complete the October log then they may return it for a certificate and
prize coupon as well. :)
2) This month’s Scholastic Book Magazine will be going home by the end of
this week for October, November, and the beginning of the Holiday orders.
If you are interested in ordering, please place any orders online by Friday,
November 13th.
3) A note that our ABC Bootcamp Fashion Show will be changed to Friday,
November 6th. Next week you will receive a letter about the fashion show
along with your child’s letter and vest they will design at home.
Here are the themes/concepts we are focusing on this week:
1) Reading/Language Arts/Phonics:
- Letters & Sounds (Bootcamp)- O-R (please send show & tell)
-Drawing & Labeling
-Reading Comprehension Skill- Plot
2) Mathematics:
-Teen Numbers- Base Ten 11-20
- Identifying, writing, and counting numbers 0-20
3) Religion:
-The Holy Trinity
-Praying the Rosary Daily
-Honoring St. Therese, St. Francis, and Mother Mary
-Daily Prayers
4) Social Studies:
- Fire Safety
5) Science:
Pumpkin Science Investigations!
Thank you so much for your time & attention. As always, should you
have any questions please let me know.
Love & Prayers,
Mrs. Tironi